Jerry Deluca of New Street taking a break from shoveling snow Friday morning (Photo: Charlie Sahner)
The first winter storm of the new year left large drifts of snow in its wake across the region, with an official National Weather Service reading from Buckingham coming in at seven inches.
Downtown New Hope was slowly roused Friday morning to school and refuse collection cancellations and the sound of snow blowers. Borough maintenance staff apparently learned their lesson from the last storm and pre-salted the Stockton Avenue bridge, aiding clean up there. Said one, “It would help us a lot if folks wouldn’t throw snow in the street when shoveling — it makes salting the roads and keeping them clear much harder.”
Solebury Township Police said of the roads, “[There are] still snow and ice-covered areas, as well as locations with drifting snow. So, please drive slowly as there will be slick, slushy spots on roadways.”
Many of the larger arteries in Bucks County like Route 1 have been plowed, but blowing snow continues to be a hazard.
Other road dangers include drivers going too fast, ice hidden under snowy areas, and flying snow from uncleaned vehicles.
The National Weather Service said, “Snow will end from west to east this morning, although blowing and drifting snow will continue into this afternoon.”
The bigger weather issue now looming is the intense cold yet ahead; lows tonight are expected to reach around -2 degrees.
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