Around Town

New Hope-Solebury Soccer team tops Bloomsberg 5-1

soccer-ball-clip-art2Bloomsburg faced New Hope-Solebury yesterday, with the latter prevailing handily, according to Scranton Ch. 16 WNEP.

In the first half, New Hope-Solebury was up 2-1 when Zack Newman took a shot from 67 yards out and scored, giving New Hope a 3-1 lead. In the second half, Matt Bartle for New Hope-Solebury kicked it past the Bloomsburg defender and it was another goal for New Hope, up 4-1. Finally, a big scramble in front of the Panther net, but it was Alex Lotter heading it in and taking a big hit after, but it’s 5-1 final, ending Bloomsburg’s season.

Check out the glorious WNEP video of the game!

Boys Varsity Soccer State Semi-Finals are on Nov. 12: NH-S vs. Mountainview.

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