Around Town

Lambertville and New Hope police blotter: traffic stop yields warrants; vandalism; requisite copper theft

lambertvill police- charlie sahnerAll subjects are considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law.

Lambertville City Police Department:

Case # 14000004 – On Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2014 at 3:01 a.m., Ptl. Michael Gramlich stopped Thomas P. Small, 57, of Lambertville on Jefferson Street. A motor vehicle look up revealed Small to have two active warrants from Trenton Municipal Court totaling $2978. Small was charged with driving while his driver’s license was suspended, and having a suspended vehicle registration. Small was turned over to Trenton Police.

New Hope Police Department:

Dec. 18, 2013 –  At 7 p.m. a Doylestown, Pennsylvania man reported to police that the windshield of his vehicle had been scratched while the vehicle had been parked on West Randolph Street.

Dec. 19, 2013 –  At 5 p.m. a manager of a South Main Street establishment reported to police that, at some time during the prior two months, an Apple Laptop computer valued at $1,700. had been taken from inside the business.

Dec. 21, 2013 –  At 11 a.m. an employee of a West Bridge Street establishment reported to police that, at some time during the overnight hours, someone had broken a window in the front of the store.

Dec. 23, 2013 – At 10:45 a.m. a West Bridge Street resident reported to police that, at some time during the prior two days, someone had stolen a 6-foot copper downspout from the side of his residence.

Dec. 23, 2013 –  At 9:05 p.m. a resident of Darien Court reported to police that, at some time that afternoon, a package containing a Garmin GPS, delivered to her home by UPS, had been stolen.


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