Date(s) - 06/12/2016
7:00 pm
Bucks County Audubon Society at Honey Hollow
Once in a Lifetime Opportunity at Bucks County Audubon Society
Ornithologist, David Sibley, Presents his latest book!
Solebury, PA –On July 12 th , at 7pm, world renowned ornithologist, author, and illustrator
David Sibley will join Farley’s Bookshop and Bucks county Audubon Society at Honey
Hollow for a presentation on his latest book, the “Sibley Guide to Birds: Second Edition.”
The talk will be followed by a book signing and Farley bookshop will be on hand to sell
copies of the guide for signing. In addition to this incredible presentation, there will be a
raffle to give away 3 spots for our July 13 th bird walk at 8am led by David Sibley himself
through the beautiful fields and forests of Bucks County Audubon Society at Honey
The talk and book signing will take place at Bucks County Audubon Society at Honey
For more information or to register, call 215-297- 5880. Fee is $10/person.
Hollow (2877 Creamery Rd. New Hope PA, 18938).
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