Interactive Mantra Meditation Concert with Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar

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Date(s) - 04/27/2019
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Hopewell Theater

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This concert offers us a rare opportunity to experience authentic, traditional mantra chanting by a world-renowned master of naada yoga, the yoga of sound, as a vehicle of spiritual attainment and as a healing art.

Sri Shyamji will play the tambura and chant mantras especially designed to create soorya akaasha, a spacious state of deep peace and contentment. Soorya akasha opens the mind and heart to profound meditative states.

Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar is a master of naada yoga, the creator of Microchakra Psychology and the founder of InnerTuning® systems. His international network of students and professionals learn his methods in New York City, New Hope, PA and throughout Europe.

Sri Shyamji has accompanied, on the tambura (an ancient instrument) the artists Ravi Shankar, Pran Nath and Amir Khan, among others.

His system has recently been published: Microchakras: InnerTuning for Psychological Well-Being (Inner Traditions Books). It is also available through Amazon.

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