Mechanic Street Mugs

Mechanic Street MUGs opened on July 4th, 2003. Specializing in the MUG form, Joel searches most of both coasts to find interesting and sometimes humorous, crafted objects, and many colorful and well-made cups and mugs.

10 W. Mechanic Streets

(215) 862-8030

Open most of the time unless it rains, 11-6 roughly

Mechanic Street MUGs opened on July 4th, 2003. Specializing in the MUG form, Joel searches most of both coasts to find interesting and sometimes humorous, crafted objects, and many colorful and well-made cups and mugs. If you have an old favorite cup or mug you have just broken he can maybe help you find a replacement or help find you a new one too. The combination of new and old, hand made and manufactured, ceramics, fine art, vintage collectibles, folk art, glass, fabric art, hand crafted wooden furniture, and refurbished pieces all seem to fit in this classic 250 – See more at Mechanic Street Mugs online.

About the author

Charlie Sahner

“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." - Einstein

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