Elections Government

Election Signs To Be Changed After GOP Candidate Says They Were ‘Underhanded’

Election signs are causing controversy in Bucks County.

One of the signs in Bristol Borough.
Credit: Submitted

Election signs have begun to fill the roadsides in Bucks County, and one sign design has caused a bit of a stir.

At locations in central and lower Bucks County, large signs displaying the name of Republican District Attorney Matt Weintraub above Democratic Bucks County Commissioners Diane Ellis-Marseglia and Bob Harvie have popped up.

The signs are paid for by Ellis-Marseglia’s and Harvie’s campaign.

However, there’s one problem: although Weintraub, who is running for Court of Common Pleas judge, is on the Democratic and Republican ballots, he hasn’t been campaigning with Ellis-Marseglia and Harvie or other Democrats.

The signs have led to Weintraub calling out what he feels is “underhanded politics.”

Kunal Atit, the manager for the Ellis-Marseglia and Harvie campaign, said the Democrats will remove Weintraub’s name from the sign “in a show of good faith.”

In a statement issued through a GOP spokesperson, Weintraub said he was “disappointed to learn that my name has been used by the Marseglia-Harvie campaign without my authorization or permission.”

“The Bucks County Democratic Party seeks to capitalize on my name, and my reputation, for their own selfish reasons,” he said.

The Republican added: “I can’t allow this, and I won’t stand for it.”

Weintraub called on the Democrats to take his name off the signs.

Weintraub has been a popular Republican politician and prosecutor in Bucks County. By outward appearances, he has appeared to enjoy a cordial relationship over the years with Ellis-Marseglia and Harvie.

Weintraub won the Democratic and Republican primary for the judge seat. Candidates can run on both tickets in judge races. He will run in November uncontested on both ballots.

Weintraub was endorsed by the county Republican party, but he did not seek the endorsement of the county Democratic party. However, he decided to run on both ballots for the judge seat.

“Earning the support of Bucks County voters, regardless of their party affiliation, is important to me because judge is not a partisan position. That is why I accepted the will of the Democrat voters who wrote me in during the Primary Election in May. So, now I appear on both sides of the ballot,” Weintraub said.

“We are sorry to hear that Matt Weintraub has been pressured by the MAGA extremists in the Republican Party to disavow his place on the Democratic ticket which he voluntarily accepted just a couple months ago,” said Atit, the Democrats’ campaign manager.

Atit pointed out that all three commissioners – the two Democrats and one Republican – have worked with Weintraub’s district attorney’s office on several initiatives.

The sign drama comes as the November election nears. The race between the Democrats and Republicans for the commissioner seats has heated up.

Weintraub’s full statement:

“Over the weekend, I was disappointed to learn that my name has been used by the Marseglia-Harvie campaign without my authorization or permission.

I’ve worked hard serving the people of Bucks County over the last 3 decades and have lived here with my family for most of half a century.  I’ve earned my reputation, I’m proud of my good name here, and I am honored to have the opportunity to serve the people of Bucks County as the next Judge of the Court of Common Pleas.

Earning the support of Bucks County voters, regardless of their party affiliation, is important to me because Judge is not a partisan position.  That is why I accepted the will of the Democrat voters who wrote me in during the Primary Election in May.  So, now I appear on both sides of the ballot.

Unfortunately, in typical underhanded politics, the Bucks County Democratic Party seeks to capitalize on MY name, and MY reputation, for their own selfish reasons.

I can’t allow this, and I won’t stand for it.

In February, I neither sought, nor received, the endorsement of the Bucks County Democrat Committee, despite their endorsement for every other candidate on their slate. I was the only one not endorsed, and it was their choice.

I was never consulted on whether my name could be used, and it has now been misappropriated in a purely political move by the Bucks County Democratic Party.

Let me be crystal clear: my name appears on their signs without my endorsement or my permission.  It is the worst kind of underhanded politics.

I resent it, and I demand that they take my name off their signs, immediately.”

Atit’s full statement:

We are sorry to hear that Matt Weintraub has been pressured by the MAGA extremists in the Republican Party to disavow his place on the Democratic ticket which he voluntarily accepted just a couple months ago.

Commissioners Bob Harvie and Diane Marseglia have been proud to work alongside Matt Weintraub as District Attorney to bring down violent crime under their administration and provide law enforcement with the tools they need to keep Bucks residents safe. Bob and Diane through their 99% bipartisan voting record and their strong relationship with DA Weintraub over the past 4 years have enacted numerous crime prevention initiatives such as adding more staff to the District Attorney’s office to focus on vehicle crime, placing corresponders in over 21 police departments across the county, and funding crisis intervention training for our police. These successes are a testament to the partnership built between the three of them. That is why in a show of good faith we will be removing the signs in question in spite of Matt’s nomination as the Democratic candidate for Common Court of Pleas. Bob and Diane look forward to continuing to serve along side our District Attorney in his new role. Bob and Diane’s foremost priorities will always be to bring people together and to keep Bucks County safe.

About the author

Tom Sofield

Tom Sofield has covered news in Bucks County for 12 years for both newspaper and online publications. Tom’s reporting has appeared locally, nationally, and internationally across several mediums. He is proud to report on news in the county where he lives and to have created a reliable publication that the community deserves.

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