Almost half of the 103 new covid-19 infections recorded in Bucks County from Friday to Monday involved people who became infected while traveling out of state.
No deaths from the coronavirus were reported by the Bucks County Health Department over the same time span. An additional 14 cases were delayed reports that no longer are considered infectious.
Of the 117 total infections, 50 resulted from out-of-state contacts, 19 were from household contacts, 14 were attributed to pure community spread, six are residents or workers at long-term care facilities, two are healthcare workers, and 26 were unable to be interviewed immediately.
“Over the last four days, 50 of our 103 new cases were infected during out-of-state travel, many from Myrtle Beach, S.C.,” said Health Department Director Dr. David Damsker. “Think twice before you leave for any area of the country that is currently experiencing a high prevalence of coivid-19.
“If you have to go, be smart,” Damsker added. “Wear a mask, sanitize your hands frequently, and avoid bars and other similar gatherings of people.”
Without the out-of-state infections, Bucks County’s new cases would have averaged about 13 per day over the four-day period, instead of 26.
Gov. Tom Wolf recommended last week that Pennsylvanians who travel to one of 15 states where coronavirus is surging should self-quarantine at home for two weeks upon their return. The states identified by the Wolf administration are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah.
A total of 68 Bucks County patients remain hospitalized, nine of them in critical condition and on ventilators.
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