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New Hope Investigating Whether Borough Employees Involved in ‘Financial Scheme’

New Hope Police Station and Community Room.

New Hope Borough Council quietly released a bombshell Saturday afternoon in the form a of a statement confirming ongoing investigations into a “financial irregularities scam” possibly involving borough employees.

New Hope officials said they were aware of a “scheme targeting money and financial information,” and are looking into whether the borough has “been potentially [sic] victimized.”

Although borough council does not “believe that there has been any loss sustained…nor was any information breached or accessed,” they have launched two investigations to determine if borough employees were involved, and if a crime was, in fact, committed.

Council declined to provide any further detail, citing advice from “outside counsel” and the nature of their investigation as a “personnel matter.”

Council also refused to say whether the “scheme” involved the illegal access of borough computers from outside, or whether entry was made to information systems using hardware and passwords from within borough hall. And council also declined to say when the investigations were initiated, and how and when borough officials became aware of a “financial irregularities scam.”

“You are free to investigate,” said a spokesperson.

Council did take time to remind citizens “to be mindful of the existence of attempts to gain access to personal and financial information using cell phones, the internet and electronic mail,” although it appears that in this case, they failed to heed their own advice.

About the author

Charlie Sahner

“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." - Einstein

1 Comment

  • Geez, this just leaves me deeper in the dark….who is investigation whom, for what and why the secrecy if they are public employees? And the arrogance of suggesting “You’re free to investigate” gives no point of reference to begin…is repugnant.

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