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Solebury Township Establishing Committee to Maintain Farming as ‘Core Asset’

Solebury Township FarmSolebury Township is in the process of establishing a “Farm Committee” whose charter will be to advise the Board of Supervisors on ways to support farming in Solebury.

The new group is the result of a recently proposed “Farmers Ordinance,” which Supervisors will consider and vote on at their July 19 board meeting in Solebury Township municipal building at 7 p.m. If approved, Farm Committee candidates will be interviewed and appointed soon after.

Solebury Supervisors Kevin Morrissey, Paul Cosdon and Noel Barrett have been especially active in gaining input from farmers, and helping to craft the Farm Ordinance.

“Encouraging farming in Solebury helps everyone in the community — everyone,” observed Morrissey. “Most of us live here because of the setting farms create, and the open and non-congested environment we call home.

“Some of us were attracted by the low real estate taxes,” he added. “Some of us came here for the superior school system. The low real estate taxes enable school taxes to be more affordable. And superior schools and environment positively affect real estate values.

“All of these previously mentioned advantages are significantly influenced by farming,” concluded Morrissey.

Meanwhile, Morrissey isn’t waiting for July 19 to start recruiting for the new Farm Committee.

“Please help Solebury Township maintain farming as a ‘core asset’ in Solebury,” he implored. “Those interested in joining this community-enhancing effort can email me at”



About the author

Charlie Sahner

“Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." - Einstein

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